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Final Presentation of Statewide Housing Action Plan from Abt Global

In Case you missed it, Abt Global presented the completed Statewide Strategic Housing Action Plan, you can watch the full presentation below. During the final presentation on Thursday, January 9th, Abt Global showcased a story mapping tool that can be found below the presentation video.

Statewide Strategic Housing Action Plan Story Map

Localities play a critical role in housing planning and development. While the 27 strategies presented in the Plan are targeted toward the state, communities do not need to wait for state action to begin addressing their housing needs. Local governments can consider the local strategy options presented in the Plan when addressing local housing needs and priorities. To learn more about policies, programs, and tools that may be right for your community, use WCDA’s Local Housing Policy Lookup Tool linked below.

Local Housing Policy Lookup Tool

Completed Statewide Strategic Housing Action Plan



Since 1975, Wyoming Community Development Authority (WCDA) has been making it easier for people across Wyoming to finance their first home.

We provide low-interest single family mortgages and education to help our customers buy and retain their homes.  We also offer special programs to aid in the sustainability of home ownership.  Our down payment assistance program, home buyer education and counseling, partnerships with developers and work with non-profit community organizations all make WCDA the State’s leading resource for housing finance.

In addition to its single family programs, WCDA currently administers several major affordable rental housing development programs; the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program, the National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) Program and the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program. These federal programs have funded more than 5,000 units of affordable rental housing across the state.

WCDA’s Rental Directory provides the names, locations and contact information for affordable housing developments in Wyoming. Use the Rental Directory Map and choose the location that you are interested in.